This would be the largest raid I have been on yet. Everyone kept saying it would be really difficult to make it all the way through and vanquish The Avatar. I was REALLY hoping we could finish off The Avatar because he drops a sweet bow. Seeing as how I will be bowing up a storm soon (finally got to level 59) I had my fingers, toes, and balls crossed that the bow would drop.

Here was the big bad............thing himself. Only 1 tank died during the encounter so that was nice. He didn't seem to live up to the "difficulty" hype, but then again I wasn't healing, or tanking, or really doing anything except poking him with my crap weapons.

......and here is the big Daddy. The War Bow of Rallos Zek. This is what I was hoping for and it dropped, 2 of them actually. Jeanluc and I each got one. *funky dancing*
Congrats on the bow, Gaijin! I was sorry I had to miss that raid. When all goes well against AoW, it seems easy. But all it takes is one small thing to go wrong and things get very ugly very quickly. I've been pounded into mush by him often enough to really enjoy getting revenge.
Ya it seemed too easy. I guess I just picked the right time to join a raid on AoW. :)
Nice bow Gaijin. I've never actually been on a successful AoW raid. Fun anyways though.
nice bow! congrats
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